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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Luxury Men's Touchscreen/texting Winter Italian Nappa Leather Gloves (Plush/cashmere Lining)

Luxury Men's Touchscreen/texting Winter Italian Nappa Leather Gloves (Plush/cashmere Lining)

Luxury Men's Touchscreen/texting Winter Italian Nappa Leather Gloves (Plush/cashmere Lining)

Luxury Men's Touchscreen/texting Winter Italian Nappa Leather Gloves (Plush/cashmere Lining)

This is an excellent product for the following reasons:

Price - Given the quality of materials and construction, you could easily spend $100 or more for a comparable set of gloves.

The leather is extremely good quality and very soft. It offers the feel of luxury without giving you the impression that it is fragile or otherwise not durable. Construction is good, and even with the lining, they do not feel heavy or bulky. Moreover, they're quite, quite warm. Huge bonus for a glove that isn't bulky.

The conductive inserts are seamless and completely undetectable. What's more is that they actually work! Keep in mind, you're wearing a leather glove, so you shouldn't buy these with the expectation that you will be able to compose e-mail or text messages with the accuracy of a bare hand, but for performing basic operations, these are great. This is a good feature for anyone who lives in a cooler climate that has likely run into the issue of trying to operate a touch screen phone with any sort of full finger glove on. Problem solved.

Style - This pair of gloves has very classic architecture and nice lines. They are going to look great with whatever you decide to wear, but also aren't "flashy" - So, for the fashion minded, they are a great accessory, and for the Everyman, they aren't going to draw unwanted attention to your hands :)

Criticism - These do run on the small side. My hands are a good approximation of the median of the range that normally would be called "medium" in size. This glove, however, fits very well for me in a large. When purchasing, keep in mind that if you do have large hands (typically would take an XL glove, etc..) this glove, even in the largest size, probably won't fit you well.

Overall, a wonderful product for a great price. Ideal gift for a guy who needs a good pair of driving gloves for the winter. Five stars for all of the pros, even considering the sizing issue.

Luxury Men's Touchscreen/texting Winter Italian Nappa Leather Gloves (Plush/cashmere Lining)

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