Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket

I picked this up because I've seen pictures of Lauren Conrad on the Hills and on the red carpet and she always looks amazing.

However, this book was only okay.

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket

The book starts off with wardrobe essentials: the white-collared button down shirt, the black boots, the dark-wash jeans. It's all stuff we've heard of before. Lauren then gives a few tips and tricks for everyday classics: how to find the perfect pair of jeans, how to find the most flattering casual tee, mixing patterns. She has a few chapters devoted to makeup and jewelry as well. But none of it is anything you haven't heard before if you've read previous style books like by the likes of Nina Garcia or Victoria Beckham for example.

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket
As a coffee table book, this book falls short. The majority of the pictures feature free-standing clothing or makeup while the best pictures of Lauren herself are hidden in the makeup chapters. The book itself is also relatively tiny, about the size of a standard 8 by 11 sheet of paper.

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket
I'd recommend this book if you're a diehard Lauren Conrad fan or if you're a teenage girl who is looking to build her wardrobe. Lauren does provide some great tips for newbies. However, for the rest of us who are looking for something new or exciting with some aesthetic appeal, I'd say skim this at your local library or bookstore beforehand!

Womens Shrunken Leather Jacket

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff here. The information and the detail were just perfect. I think that your perspective is deep, its just well thought out and really fantastic to see someone who knows how to put these thoughts down so well. Great job on this

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